The Spirit of a Dress

Above: Lan in the Double Gauze Poppy Dress on the streets of Como, Italy.


There is a specific kind of woman whose biography is interlaced with what she wears. (The same can be said for a certain kind of man.) This woman invests meaning into the objects she carefully chooses. Her wardrobe pieces are talismans.

In her clothing story, there is a favorite: a dress. A beloved piece, it sings with the air. When she lets this dress envelop her body, she feels fully realized. For her, this piece of clothing is an opening—to feelings of folly and movement and truth. She holds close the memories of herself in this dress—and even closer the ideas of when she’ll wear it next.


Above: Lan at Beltane Ranch in the Camellia Dress | Ivory


A dress, by all accounts, can invite us to move more fluidly and freely. When we put one on, we want to dance and spin. We feel a lightness. A dress is a spirit lifter. A dose of levity and beauty. A dress also pushes us to recognize the finiteness of life. Every time the wind dances with its fabric, shifting it into mini waves, it is a reminder that this moment will pass—so it needs to be cherished.

But how does a dress differ from other sartorial creations? The way we see it, it is a key that unlocks a beauty we already possess yet rarely realize. Like a walk in the afternoon sun, merging with a dress awakens us. Through the ease of its design, we are reacquainted with the overlooked beauty that comes from being enmeshed in generous cuts of pure silk, cotton, linen, or cashmere.


 Above: Adji in the Poppy Dress | Emerald


A dress is a form of meeting, of fabric and construction and shape, and the absence of any divide. In pure colors and fabrics, it is a merger of construction and love. A confluence of freedom. An invitation to truly be.

A beloved dress, we hope, always honors. Its design celebrates a person’s organic inheritance while opening the horizon—between what has been, what is, and what will be.

In her favorite dress, a woman is cloaked in potential—moved by her might and life’s infinite possibilities.


Above: Adji in the Magnolia Dress | Lilac